About the author

Editor - Nelson Thibodeaux

[email protected] Nelson is a 30-year plus resident of Colleyville. He has located his privately owned businesses in Colleyville for more than 20 years. Nelson is the 2018 Empower Texans Recipient of the North Texas Conservative Leadership Award. Nelson is the founder of LNO in 2000. He served as councilman and Mayor Pro Tem of Colleyville until June 2000. Thereafter, he started LNO because there was no adequate newspaper coverage. Nelson has previously worked in both radio and television during his career.

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  1. 1


    Note to self: Eat at –Next Wood Fired Bistro, Sonic, Red Barn and La Hacienda AS FREQUENTLY AS POSSIBLE!

  2. 2

    George Dodson

    We now have a list of Colleyville restaurants: Sonic, Next Wood Fired Bistro & Vino Bar, Red Barn and La Hacienda that we will definitely use more often than in the past. We don’t need this kind of threats in Colleyville. These bullies are still lying and we will not be bullied by them! Thank you for sharing this piece of garbage with Colleyville Citizens.

  3. 3

    Von husbands

    Thank you Mark,
    Anyone can sit behind a computer terminal and send out threats to try to hurt my Bussiness . But personally I think you are pathetic . GOOD RIDANCE !!

    Von Husbands
    Red Barn BBQ

  4. 4

    Shorty Rodgers

    Mr Henderson,
    May I suggest you look for a good psychologist in Colleyville to frequent since you will have a little extra time on your hands. I will feel much safer now at Next, LaHacienda, & Sonic with your absence. Please publish your new haunts so I can stay clear of those.

  5. 5


    Wow! What an entitled , spoiled sorry loser. To make such a threat because his family didn’t get his way & now wants to have a temper tantrum until he does. Can only assume what a person of this character would be like trying to run our city.

    I am now encouraged to dine in those places mentioned as often as my family, friends & associates are able to. Much respect to Mr. Aikens for his response & not cowering to this juvenile and insulting threat.

  6. 6


    Well, they’re correct it is their right to take their business elsewhere. And it’s mine to especially seek out the restaurants in this article! They all have fantastic food and it will be my pleasure!

  7. 7


    Is this the same Mark Henderson that is CEO and founder of the Asset Preservation Group?
    His profile states he serves on the board of directors for Colleyville Area Chamber of Commerce…. The same chamber that is supposed to PROMOTE Colleyville…..however the chambers website does not list him so I’m not sure if it’s the same…
    I support my local businesses any chance I get, I don’t take threats well either.
    I especially support them if they happen to be a customer of mine! Thanks for your business Von!

    1. 7.1

      Editor - Nelson Thibodeaux

      To the best of my knowledge he has previously been on the Colleyville Area Chamber of Commerce. Of course, under the auspices of Ret Stansburger for many years, the Chamber was a hot bed of political intrigue and favors for a select few; of which the Hendersons were followers.

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