Colleyville, Texas March 22, 2020
Editorial by LNO Editor Nelson Thibodeaux
The rotund Bud Kennedy, in a two page article in today’s Bankrupt Star Telegram, further defined himself as a food critic, with very little knowledge of much else.
Bud’s so-called expose somehow concludes, Mayor Newton and the Colleyville City council is ignorant about state and local laws and, as such, put citizens of Colleyville in a greater risk for the Covid-19 Virus. To underline his obvious bias about Colleyville, “the 10th richest city in the US according to Bud”;is his statement, “the Tea Party runs Colleyville City Council.” Anyone that knows the individuals on Colleyville City Council would agree the city has a conservative group of elected officials; but certainly cannot claim that Colleyville’s Mayor Richard Newton, nor the rest of council are taking orders from any group outside of the city.
This council is the same group that led the charge for Term-Limits for Colleyville City Council members, that was approved by 80%+ of the city’s voters, without any help from the Tea Party or any other outside organization.
Kennedy’s claim of “Tea Party Run Council,” is not only proof of his ignorance of the local council, but more about the bias that blinds Kennedy in every article he writes concerning this city.
His claim is that Colleyville had two days lag time in issuing restrictions than the Tarrant County Judge Glenn Whitley declarations, based on Colleyville not “adhering to the orders of County Judge Whitley, whom Kennedy says continued to claim the virus was not a threat and was slow to issue edicts about closing of restaurants, etc. He also concludes that the city has pilots living here that fly all over the world, therefore Colleyville is really more susceptible to the virus.
In spite, of the fact Colleyville has it’s on disaster plans and, in fact, was immediately on time and in accordance with Governor Abbott’s declarations concerning the virus. Oh wait! the Governor is a Conservative so the Star-Telegram also notes on the front page that potentially Governor Abbott was too slow in his decision making. Could it be that Texans are a very independent population and while herding cows, do not liked to be herded themselves, a well known fact of our Governor.
It would really be more comfortable for the Star Telegram to relocate to California or better yet New York; because Mr. Kennedy could avoid so much anguish in Texas caused to him by an independent thinking populace!
Kennedy’s misleading rampage and obvious bias against any conservative group is a primary example of today’s typical “fake news” disguised as some sort of deep thought, one of a kind evil discovery, attributed to conservatives. Probably another reason the paper’s readership is at an all time low. I guess taking the lead of LNO, that has been providing local news via on-line for the past 20 years, the Star Telegram is now limiting Saturday’s addition to on-line, that is if you pay for it and can find it.
NO, Bud, the Colleyville city council is not run by the Tea Party, and of course everyone knows where you stand. However, insinuating Mayor Richard Newton is “run” by the Tea Party is a lie and you know it. Your liberal seized up mind is a glaring example of a newspaper that continually following the lead of fake news media versus reporting in an unbiased and fair manner. You know damn good and well that your statement is false and self-serving at best.
You in fact interviewed Mayor Newton by phone and Newton answered all your questions, INCLUDING the right of the City of Colleyville to sustain it’s own disaster parameters and further that the City of Colleyville was front and center, and exactly in line, with the decisions of Governor Abbott.
What has the Star Telegram or Bud Kennedy done to help citizens or small businesses? Colleyville has elected to send out vouchers for $35 each to be used at local businesses and reimbursed by the city, in order to extend a helping hand to our local business community.
The Star-Telegram instituted a Saturday on-line newspaper, .to those who are shut ins, but have computer access, if you pay for it and can find it, more likely because the bankrupt paper is trying to stay afloat, while still paying people like Bud Kennedy.