Thursday, October 12, 2023
Marc Troup, Founder of and

Governor, Greg Abbott
Gov. Greg Abbott has called a special session for the Texas legislature. Texas has not had a special session this close to the primary since 1992, when then-Gov. Ann Richards called one in January to address redistricting. Abbott threatening GOP lawmakers with being primaried if they do not get school choice done for Texas.
Unions and the liberals that run the school’s systems are very dug in on opposing any attempt to reform the education system. They want the status quo because they control it. We basically teach our children just like they did in 1880. Charter schools, using vouchers, can leverage things like the internet to create a new model that focuses on what parents care about, which is actual education versus “social issues”, which have become such a distraction on campuses. Of course, all of this threatens the very core of the status quo and the teachers’ unions.
For those parents who work hard but were never able to send their children to what they considered to be good schools, because they could not afford to live in the right neighborhood, now can decide where to send their children and if that school is good or not.
Giving the parents this choice will create accountability among teachers and school administrators, which is long overdue.

Marc Troup