August 3, 2022
Colleyville has a local author! Check out his latest books.
Title: “5G and You – All You Need to Know”
Author: Clifford R. Holliday BSEE, MBA, PE
Illustrator: Alice L. Holliday, BA
Book available:
Book Description:
“5G and You” answers the following questions:
- I don’t understand 5G; can you explain it to me?
- How is 5G different from what we now have? Why change?
- What do I need to know to shop for 5G?
- What 5G phones will work with what carrier?
- What companies are involved?
- Why are the carriers all pushing 5G so hard?
- Who is going to benefit from 5G?
These questions and others concerning the structure and benefits of 5G services are answered in this book
The entire first section of the book is devoted to questions of understanding 5G. This section concludes with a ‘Buyers Guide’ for those in the market for a new phone and/or new cell phone service. The following companies are profiled with 5G activities and their fit in the 5G world:
T-Mobile, AT&T, Verizon, US Cellular, Dish Network, Apple, Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi, BBK Electronics, OPPO, Vivo, Motorola/Lenovo, Qualcomm, Ericsson, Nokia, ZTE, and Intel.
The last section of the book (‘Architecture’ and the Appendixes) will provide you with a solid fundamental understanding of the technologies involved in 5G – even for the non-engineer; it will familiarize you with all of the terminology involved; it will describe the current state of development and actual deployment in the US of 5G services. Also, perhaps most importantly, the report will provide you forecasts (from the author, who was involved in cellular mobile almost since its inception in the United States) as to the direction of services based on 5G. The technology/marketing sections detail the architecture on several different levels to make the information usable for anyone from an investor adviser to a highly trained engineer.
The author (Clifford Holliday) has been involved in the cell phone business almost since its beginning in the USA. He provided engineering assistance to the first deployments of GTE Mobile in the early 1980’s and has been involved ever since. His most recent report for Information Gatekeepers Inc on 5G (2022) is the latest of several major technical/marketing/investing reports he has prepared on 5G. That is also the latest report he has prepared for IGI, after a string of over 50 major IGI reports going back to the late 1990’s.
Title: “Electric Cars – All You Need to Know”
Author: Clifford R. Holliday BSEE, MBA, PE
Illustrator: Alice L. Holliday, BA
Book available:
Book Description:
What are EVs?
What’s the difference between a BEV and a hybrid?
Are EVs pretty much like my regular car?
What are the pros and cons of EVs?
How many choices of EVs are there?
Will the US produce 50% EVs by 2030, as President Biden has mandated?
Are EVs economical?
Are many EVs being sold?
These questions and many others are answered in detail in this report.
We read in comic books, as we grew up, of the future with personal jet packs to zoom around town. We heard of self-driving vehicles that could also fly and never needed gasoline. All of this sounds very much like George Jetson, but actually, a lot of it is now confirmed. There are personal jet packs; there are cars with various degrees of autonomy. We don’t have cars that fly like magic carpets yet, but we do have electric cars that need no gasoline. So in many ways, what we read about in comic books (a dime from the swivel rack at the corner drug store) has come true – we live in that future.
This book is about one part of that future – electric cars in America, in all their flavors. Although electric cars are rather old, like many things, we think of them as new. Their origins go back to the beginnings of anything that could be called a ‘car’ in the 1800s. Now, one of the most reported technology/consumer goods item in America is the topic of electric vehicles (EVs.) Unfortunately, a great deal in the popular press is reported by people with little or no background in electric vehicles. Much of the writing is from reporters that are generalists and report on various topics as they come up. Also, a lot of the reporting comes from ‘car guy’ reporters, who are standard vehicle experts, but who are not familiar with the vocabulary or technology of electric vehicles. While I have been a car guy all my life, I also bring my electrical engineering (BS EE, PE) background and many years as a researcher to the report.
This book provides an unbiased but critical view of the subject. It spends a good bit of time understanding the components of an electric vehicle the terminology involved and includes a good look at the field’s technologies. We will also develop complete economic models and compare the various alternatives on an economic basis.
After understanding the subject, the book will examine the pressures on this market, both pro and con. Unfortunately, as with much in our lives today, this subject has regrettably become politicized. We will acknowledge that politicization, but we will try not to let political opinions cloud our comments.
A common misconception about EVs is ‘free transportation’ (much like the misconception of ‘free power’ from windmills.) One section will present a series of economic models for EVs to shed light on the comparative costs. These models will try to understand the financial issues involved in owning EVs compared to ICE (internal combustion engine vehicles – our standard car.) In addition, the models will provide estimates of the penalty or benefit from owning an EV vs. owning an ICE.
The final section will describe how the book can assist Joe or Judy car buyer in deciding on the possible purchase of an electric vehicle.
Title: “Exploding the Myths of Climate Change” 2nd Edition
Author: Clifford R. Holliday, BSEE, MBA, PE
Illustrator: Alice L. Holliday, BA
Book available:
Book Description:
This, a second edition, includes extensive edits and a new chapter, exhaustively discussing the recent Texas ‘big Freeze,’ the Texas grid problems, and their relation to the climate change issues.
Climate change’s ‘true believers’ have made it a mortal sin to disagree with them. They can parrot half-truths and downright lies. However, no matter how ridiculous, anyone who dares to question their positions is condemned to the eternal fires. “Exploding the Myths of Climate Change” explores and explodes the myths of the Climate Change religion. The book highlights the hypocrisy of the true believers’ positions and points to the obvious logical fallacies in their arguments. “Exploding the Myths…” shines a bright light on the total lack of cause-and-effect reasoning to support the true believers’ positions. Most importantly, this book illustrates the severe harm that can be done to our country and the World by following the radical practices advocated by the ‘true believers.’
Some examples illustrate the kind of nonsense we keep hearing from the Climate Change people:
- Dying or diseased polar bears are facing extinction; but they aren’t;
- Melting icebergs are supposed to be flooding Miami; but they aren’t;
- Animal species extinct from climate change; they aren’t.
A unique view is used to illustrate the hollowness of climate change forecasts. The alleged causal effect (rising CO2) has continued for many decades without a detrimental impact. A more cogent argument can be made that this increase has been beneficial and that the Earth is better in almost every way than it ever has been. In addition to the lack of cause and effect, fundamental physics undermines the lie in significant portions of the true believer’s position.
The concluding chapter summarizes the myths versus the truths and discusses the actual results of the decades of increasing CO2. The Epilogue outlines positive steps that we can take to improve our overall environment without trying to blame everything on climate change.
Contact Info:
Clifford Holliday BSEE, MBA, PE
[email protected]
Author’s page:
See all his latest books: “Exploding the Myths of Climate Change,” and “Electric Cars and You,” and “5G and You,” at Others: “Vision Planning – The Key to the Future,” “At your Service – The Faces of Service,” and a general interest mystery/ histoical fiction work, “The Treasure of the Mount – A Hunt Across Time.” Coming “Late Love and the Lost Gold”