Image City of Colleyville Website
Clean Sweep’s annual clean-up event is scheduled for Saturday, March 5, 2022.
NEW LOCATION – the south parking lot at Colleyville City Hall.
This is a one-stop shop for residents to properly dispose of household hazardous waste, tires, brush, electronics, and paper – through 5 stations.
Station 1 – Crud Cruiser: The Crud Cruiser has designated compartments for different types of hazardous waste that must be kept separate. When the compartment for one type of hazardous waste is full, no more of those types of items can be accepted. Only the first 50 households will be guaranteed access to the Crud Cruiser. Typically the Crud Cruiser accommodates approximately 130 households before it reaches capacity.
Station 2 – Electronics Recycling: You can dispose of e-waste items including CD/DVD drives, cell phones, computers, printers, ink cartridges, and televisions. Anything with a battery or that plugs in is acceptable, including small appliances.
Station 3 – Document Shredding: Bring paper to be shredded in a non-returnable container like a cardboard box or paper bag that can also be recycled.
Station 4 – Bulk/Brush Trash: Drop off large bulk/brush trash.
Station 5 – Tire Recycling: Collection of tires and help the First Department collect old fire extinguishers.