Southlake, Texas February 24, 2016
Southlake Key Club is hosting it’s second annual Golf Tournament at Sky Creek Ranch on Saturday, April 9th. Our goal is to raise $15,000 for The W.A.R.M. Place and Kiwanis. The W.A.R.M. Place is a Fort Worth charity that is devoted towards helping grieving children in the local area and offers grief counseling to those who need it.
This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and we are trying to raise as much money as we can in order to help as many children in need as possible!
If you are interested in signing up and becoming a player, or just interested in helping out by donating, here is the link: (prices are available on the flyer)
We are also looking for any local business that would be interested in donating items and prizes for the tournament. We also have the option of purchasing a hole sponsorship sign for $75.00 that can be placed at any hole of your choice. All inquiries regarding being a hole sponsor should be sent to [email protected]