The Cotton Belt Trail extension to Grapevine is expected to be completed in late August or early September.
Please send any questions, concerns, or comments to [email protected].
The southbound, right-turn lane at John McCain Road will be closed until 3:00 p.m. today and from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. tomorrow, Saturday, June 27.
Paving began Saturday, June 20, for the unfinished lanes north and south of Pool Road/Brumlow Avenue. Final paving of the intersection is slated for Sunday, June 28. Periodic lane closures should be expected.
There is a traffic switch slated for Monday, June 29; however, it is not expected to affect either northbound or southbound traffic on SH 26. It may impact cross traffic at the SH 26 intersection of Pool Road/Brumlow Avenue.
The contractor is set to start irrigation and landscaping next week and should be complete by mid-July.
SH 26 UTILITY RELOCATION PROJECT (City of Colleyville/Utility Franchises)
Please send any questions, concerns, or comments to [email protected].
On the west side of SH 26, from Village Lane south to Glade Road, lane closures are expected from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. every day, while a new water line is placed.
AT&T crews will be tying into a new manhole around Hall-Johnson Road and placing a new one at Bellisimo. Atmos will be boring SH 26 at Centerpark going south. Time Warner Cable will be doing aerial work in various locations. And Verizon will be boring on the west side of SH 26 between John McCain Road and Tennison Parkway. No lane closures are anticipated.
South White Chapel Boulevard, from the Colleyville border to West Continental Boulevard is under construction. Project construction hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. During those hours, the road will be reduced to one lane of traffic. Delays should be anticipated. The project started on June 1 and has a completion timeframe of mid- to late August 2015, weather permitting.
Ponderosa Street, Kingston Drive and McCain Lane will be reduced to one lane from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in some areas. The contractor is working on backfill of curbs, mailbox replacement and sod placement.
Crews have placed asphalt from Bogart Drive to Colleyville Terrace and, on Saturday, June 17, they’ll be placing asphalt from Colleyville Terrace to Church Street and from Mission Lane toward Central Drive. They’ll also be removing the existing pavement and grading the road from north of Central Drive to Church Street.
Residents living in this area should expect delays this week. Residents on Pleasant Run Road, from Bogart Drive to Colleyville Terrace, as well as the residents in Laurel Oaks, will still be able to access Pleasant Run Road, but it will be limited to one lane. The same is expected from Colleyville Terrace to Church Street. One lane will remain open in this section as well.
Pleasant Run Road is closed from Mission Lane to Church Street and from Bogart Drive to Church Street. Entry and exit for residents, mail delivery, trash collection, school buses, and emergency vehicles will be from Church Street. All others should plan to use alternate routes: SH 26 to Hall-Johnson Road then to Bogart Drive or SH 26 to Church Street, then west to Bransford Road or SH 26.
Area 1
Permanent trench repair work is being performed on Sagebrush Trail. The road will be reduced to one lane in some places at various times.
Area 2
The contractor will be performing permanent trench repair on Lowrie Rd. Any disruption to water service will be minimal and residents will be notified before any disruption. The contractor will also be doing pavement repairs, but roads will remain open.