August 25, 2022
Contact Erik Leist
(612) 695-5041
[email protected]
Fulfilling Promises Made to Give the District Back to the Community.
Today, the Grapevine-Colleyville ISD Board of Trustees adopted policies with the express intent of ending the proliferation of social, cultural, and political agendas in district classrooms and protecting the minds and bodies of the children who attend our public schools.
“The classroom is a place of intellectual learning, not ideological training. I am proud to say that with this package of policies we have neutralized the classroom at GCISD—teachers have been unleashed to focus on core instruction and invest in the lives and education of their students. The days of adults pushing their worldview and propagandizing our children, at taxpayer expense, are over,” said GCISD board member Shannon Braun.
Over the last several decades, there has been a rise of social engineering in our public schools across the state and nation. Whether its issues of race, sexuality, or even the very nature of biological sex, the prevalence of instructional materials, books, and curriculum that are all designed to push the whims and worldviews of some adults onto our children has skyrocketed.

Shannon Braun, GCISD Place 1
Parents, guardians, taxpayers, and concerned citizens in this community have had enough. With the adoption of today’s district policies, we are returning the primary focus of GCISD to educating students.
“Last year, state lawmakers passed HB 3979, which codified into Texas law much of what we are adopting today at the local level,” said GCISD President Casey Ford. “This board is fully within its authority, right, and prerogative to tackle these issues.”
Modeled after HB 3979, GCISD’s new policies will address Critical Race Theory, so-called “gender fluidity” ideology, and obscene, explicit and pornographic materials and books. Further, in accordance with state law, GCISD will focus on fundamental patriotic civics, emphasizing the moral, political, and intellectual foundations of the American experiment in self-government.
“I am so proud to be part of the community-led reform at GCISD. The formula is simple: engage the people, win elections, and don’t just stop the bleeding, but pass meaningful reforms,” continued Braun. “With today’s victories, we are fulfilling the promise we made to this community to take back their school for decency and return them to the actual business of education.”