Submitted on 2016/05/03 at 9:57 pm | In reply to Tammy Frye.

Mr Mogged has chosen to wear a Marine Cap at political events. I confronted him about it since it is probably the most hard earned cap in the military. He says his daughter gave it to him. As a retired Air Force officer, I was given the Cap by several young Marines I supported In Vietnam. My sons asked why I never wore it–my response was I didn’t earn it. I eventually gave it to a newly commissioned Marine officer who now has it on his mantle after wearing it once. Wearing a military uniform item for political purposes is absolutely disgraceful to me. Besides, he wears it in a totally inappropriate manner. I can’t believe one of his most vocal supporters is a former Marine–I’d like to have him meet the Marine veterans who I have shown Mr. Mogged pictures. The Marines have the most admired traditions in the US Armed Forces and Mr. Mogged and his supporters have tread on those. I voted for him before, but I now view him as a blatant opportunist.
Al Caldwell
It could be labeled as “culturally insensitive” or ignorance – probably both as I believe some have educated Mogged on this already. I am not a Marine but know many. Ask a Marine and they will tell you: 1) there are no FORMER Marines as once you earn the PRIVILEGE of calling yourself a Marine, you will always do so; 2) The ONLY way to earn this privilege is to graduate USMC boot camp in Parris Island or San Diego – period; 3) Implying in ANY manner you are a Marine is Stolen Valor and (I think) is prosecutable under federal law: 4) it is OK for the parent of a Marine to show their parental pride and identify themselves with hats, shirts, etc as long as it says “Marine Dad” or “Marine Mom” (but this is not what Mogged does); 5) All Marines are trained killers (PC/liberal version is just “rifleman”) and anyone passing themselves off as a Marine is likely to get a severe beating. My 82 year old father is a Marine with 8 years duty – if he saw Mogged wearing that hat, especially for the political diversion reasons he does so, my Dad would demand Mogged remove the hat and would not relent, including the possibility of physical force (and anyone touching my 82 year old father would have to deal with me too).
Joe Moraine
I think it was disgraceful for him to wear that hat that would suggest to most veterans that he was a former Marine. I know some former Marines who would take a very personal interest if they saw that. I hope he wore it out of ignorance. To wear it for political gain is unconscionable.