Search results for "keller"

Nelson,  I applaud your website and reporting!  I wish Keller had something similar – I know you sometimes overlap.  I love the arrest reports!  My neighbor, (Democrat, AA pilot, union member, etc.), has been going around knocking on doors campaigning for Keller City Council candidates Beckie Paquin and Sheri Almond.   He is very interested lately in city government and I wonder if there is an underlying conspiracy of Democrats running as republicans here in Texas.  He got involved last year with the group you may have heard of, (led by a guy named Brian Campbell I think?), that opposed the Birch tennis center they built here in Keller.  He also attended some sort of Keller City Government class they have for citizens last year.  I’m probably making too much of this…but Beto won Tarrant County last year and things seems to be changing.  Anyway, I have a question – do you happen to know anything about these candidates?  Long shot I know but just asking.  Also, I am somewhat terrified at the state of Journalism in the US.  No one seems to be talking about this.  Craigslist along with other forces has put the local newspapers out of business.  The ones remaining are mere vestiges of their former selves and have very few local reporters.  The money was yanked away from journalism and I fear it may never return.  We have a huge gap in local news coverage across the nation.  In fact, I think it’s non-existent in many places.  Keller used to have a newspaper with a whole room full or reporters.  It was sold, and closed a few years ago.  Who is going to city council meetings and reporting back to the community?  Who is going to school board meetings and reporting?  Are there investigative reporters anymore?  How about someone reporting local crimes?  (Besides you).  Who is following the school board president home to see the ISD people putting in their landscaping? (Dallas a few years ago).  Who is checking to see who is paying to have their homes remodeled?  I fear people in small local governments have no checks and balances.    Just try to find out any information on city council candidates around here.  It’s near impossible.  Once again, I applaud what you are doing but I think there are too few of people like you that are willing to devote your time.  I don’t notice any advertising on your website so I assume you are doing all this for free???  I thought I would send you some of my thoughts on all this….sorry for the rant.

Nelson, I applaud your website and reporting! I wish Keller had something similar – I know you sometimes overlap. I love the arrest reports! My neighbor, (Democrat, AA pilot, union member, etc.), has been going around knocking on doors campaigning for Keller City Council candidates Beckie Paquin and Sheri Almond. He is very interested lately in city government and I wonder if there is an underlying conspiracy of Democrats running as republicans here in Texas. He got involved last year with the group you may have heard of, (led by a guy named Brian Campbell I think?), that opposed the Birch tennis center they built here in Keller. He also attended some sort of Keller City Government class they have for citizens last year. I’m probably making too much of this…but Beto won Tarrant County last year and things seems to be changing. Anyway, I have a question – do you happen to know anything about these candidates? Long shot I know but just asking. Also, I am somewhat terrified at the state of Journalism in the US. No one seems to be talking about this. Craigslist along with other forces has put the local newspapers out of business. The ones remaining are mere vestiges of their former selves and have very few local reporters. The money was yanked away from journalism and I fear it may never return. We have a huge gap in local news coverage across the nation. In fact, I think it’s non-existent in many places. Keller used to have a newspaper with a whole room full or reporters. It was sold, and closed a few years ago. Who is going to city council meetings and reporting back to the community? Who is going to school board meetings and reporting? Are there investigative reporters anymore? How about someone reporting local crimes? (Besides you). Who is following the school board president home to see the ISD people putting in their landscaping? (Dallas a few years ago). Who is checking to see who is paying to have their homes remodeled? I fear people in small local governments have no checks and balances. Just try to find out any information on city council candidates around here. It’s near impossible. Once again, I applaud what you are doing but I think there are too few of people like you that are willing to devote your time. I don’t notice any advertising on your website so I assume you are doing all this for free??? I thought I would send you some of my thoughts on all this….sorry for the rant.

Letters to the Editor   Mark Bauer April 24, 2019 at 9:21 pm Nelson, that letter from Mark Bauer was amazingly well written. He spelled everythin... Read more

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