Incorporation of Zero-Based Budgeting Principles Extremely Encouraging
Fort Worth, TX – Today, Sen. Konni Burton (SD-10) applauds the recent announcement by Senate Finance Chairman Jane Nelson and Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, which encourages state agencies to review and scrutinize every expenditure using a zero-based budget approach. In addition, the Senate Finance Committee will incorporate the principles of zero-based budgeting when drafting the next state budget, which illustrates just how committed the Texas Senate is to fiscal responsibility.
“I am a strong proponent of zero-based budgeting. The traditional method of funding government agencies automatically assumes growth year-over-year, with far less scrutiny of the programs and services these agencies administer than is needed,” said Sen. Konni Burton.
While zero-based budgeting can be executed in myriad ways, the basic concept behind the methodology is every recipient of funds is “reset” to zero dollars at the outset of the budget-writing process. The recipient must then articulate its explicit constitutional and statutory duties to the budget writers and enter into a conversation on the funds necessary to execute those duties.
“I am excited to see our chief budget writer and presiding officer in the Texas Senate leading boldly. Thank you Chairman Nelson and Lt. Governor Patrick,” continued Sen. Burton. “I look forward to next session and the continued conservative leadership of the Texas Senate.”