Wed 4/20/2016 8:33 AM Reelect to protect the future of Colleyville – humph! I guess that future translates to more high density housing, building in flood plains, fiscal irresponsibility, lack of transparency, and being less than truthful regarding Glade Road. Amazing how vague verbiage, semantics and bureaucratic BS can impact a community. Shame on all of you! For a change, do something useful on Oak Knoll and have the burnt house razed – it’s been sitting for a year and then determine and eliminate the source of running water on the 1900 block. I’ve called on both and no one really cares.
Kathy Heller
Tue 4/19/2016 10:46 PM Comment: I am a Viet Nam veteran and I support Chuck Mogged for Colleyville City Council
Jim Fletcher
Tue 4/19/2016 6:36 PM Comment: Colleyville has ALWAYS been a very conservative, humble, modest city from 1970 till now! We ALL got along because we ALL moved out here for virtually the same reason! Colleyville contained the quiet, country atmosphere that fostered a peaceful, less hurried way of life that was enjoyed by all! In my opinion, Mayor Kelly, along with his cohorts, who pretend to be fine gentlemen, are “rigging” our system to fool the voters. They exemplify the words devious and deceitful. PLEASE, attend ALL of the debates, and be an informed resident who is now aware that Colleyville is under attack. If we don’t make a change, we will lose the Colleyville we ALL moved here to enjoy! Be an educated, well informed voter. PLEASE, SUPPORT Bobby Lindamood and Tammy Nakamura for council, and Richard Newton for Mayor! In order to TRULY PROTECT COLLEYVILLE, there must be REMOVAL of the incumbents! Kelly, Wollin, and Mogged are very nice people, but we don’t need just “nice.” Colleyville, NOW, needs warriors, She needs a Mayor and Council who will protect and fight for her, and be transparent and responsive to ALL the residents!!! PLEASE HELP ME KEEP COLLEYVILLE SAFE by voting for Richard Newton, Bobby Lindamood, and Tammy Nakamura! Colleyville will remain standing strong when we ALL work for one common goal, TO SAVE COLLEYVILLE!!!
Kathy Hadley
Mark Henderson
I served in the US Airforce and I support Chuck Mogged
Mark S, Henderson
Editor - Nelson Thibodeaux
Mr. Henderson informed the editor that he is NOT the “alleged” Treasurer of the Protect colleyville PAc but in fact is the Treasurer of the PAc that supports Kelly, Mogged and Wollin.
Kathy Hadley
Mark, Thank You for your service to our country! You understand the importance of fighting for something you love. Chuck Mogged voted for High Density in Colleyville. If people want high density let them move to a city that has it!!! There aren’t many “country feel” cities in the DFW area. The Master Plan has been ignored by this council, even to the dismay of a majority of Colleyville residents! You know the importance of following rules and guidelines in the military to keep yourself and your squadron safe. Well, the same is true with this! Chuck Mogged chose to make everyone of us in Colleyville vulnerable. He chose to go against the rules. Therefore, sacrificing his “squadron”. Bobby Lindamood is the man on council who will protect his city and “squadron!” PLEASE, help protect Colleyville!