March 23, 2016 Colleyville, Texas
The anticipated declaration that City Manager Jennifer Fadden did not have a conflict of interest in real estate purchases in the Village of Colleyville and, therefore is “Trustworthy,” was delivered at the March 22, 2016 Pre-Council Meeting.
This is a link to the last information that was available to the “public.” The transaction as outlined, is inconsistent with the comments on the Bank’s website. Nor was LNO supplied the realtor’s information and name. In fact, on two occasions a request was made for information PRIOR to a complaint being filed, yet the response was “No Documents Responsive” and another note was the Dec. 7, 2015 call to the Mathew Boyle law firm by Fadden where she requested information on “Conflict of Interest” by a “City Employee.” In addition, in Citizen’s Comments (prior to the current rule of Mayor Kelly one can only talk about potholes and community gardens) Ms Fadden was ask in public to simply provide how she purchased the property and no investigation or attorney fees would easily be avoided. However, she steadfastly refused to answer the simple question; well here is my realtor and here is the listing! See LNO’s public investigation.
In other words, attack the citizen asking the question. However, Mr. Taylor’s character appears well beyond the ability to assassinate.
There was much more investigation into the matter than given credit. However, should the City Manager provided the realtor’s name, perhaps LNO could have come to the same conclusion, or maybe not. Because finding information on this transaction was not a easy task, as one can see from the previous link.
Immediately after the hearing, Mr. Steinke was followed in the hall by LNO with a question; “Mr. Steinke can you explain the bank’s action and names on the transfer to Ms. Fadden?” (As seen on the previous LNO report). Steinke abruptly turned away and said you can read my report. The fact he was not willing to give any additional explanation and the fact citizens cannot ask questions at pre-council does not help fully clear the matter. However, now under Mayor Kelly, a citizen can no longer even express their opinions in the Open City Council Meetings.
Unfortunately the Mayor is in full Campaign Mode and instead of addressing the shortfalls in the City concerning “conflict of interest” or full disclosure, the approach is to demean the group, company or individual that may dare challenge the establishment with a question. Later following the “Pre-Council” session, Mayor Kelly calls a citizen out of order on numerous occasions who was simply expressing her opinion. Apparently the City of Colleyville, under Mayor David Kelly, has made a decision to suppress the First Amendment at City Hall. No discussion of alternate views are longer allowed in Colleyville. Some citizens may view this action to try to control speech and dissent, another critical step backward in the effort to obtain more transparency in Colleyville’s city government.