LNO- thank you for covering this important story including all the angles. I attend most of these meetings including the precouncil meetings and you are telling it like it is. I thank all the citizens who came and expressed their concerns.
If anyone is more interested in the fabrication of the safety issue they should go to the precouncil meeting on video from the March 3, 2105 meeting. You can see the whole strategy unfold.
I call it the play. At about 5:15 into the video you will see Councilman Mogged starts the “safety angle”. Notice they waited until Councilman Putnam was out of town. I call it the play since the entire thing looks rerearsed. Several of them had their lines. If your readers have time they should watch the rest of it.
As a side note, I had a meeting with Councilman Mogged prior to this because I was interested in the facts. i appreciated him spending the time showing me the satatistics. They didn’t add up to a safety issue. Then he showed the stats with the intersections included. So if the accident happened on 26 but at the glade road intersection it was added to help the “safety angle”. Even I was surprised they rolled with those stats as they launched their entire campaign strategy that night.
David Medlin